the popper/locker who was incredible (audition ep)
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the head/shoulder disconnect part near the end of the routine is incredible. (i think this is the best video of the bunch)
lauren and neil - hip hop
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danny and anya - viennese waltz
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i love the film description. the reverse turn!!! definitely had a dream about doing reverse turns in a rotary waltz last night.... along with making susan help me finish packing. traumatic. wait, my dream is coming back to me: first off, there was this "tradition" known as the water tower or something where you had to swim across this pull, and then climb up this rope to the top of a water tower. and for some reason i could do it really quickly, like i could jump two stories or something. that was cool. there was also this thing where we had the option of "living our own horror movie", and we were driving around like crazy. there were also some game aspects involved.
wed night:
i thought on the whole, the average was better, but nothing especially stood out. and i couldn't really pay attention due to arriving late, eating dinner, john, but yeah.
--the hip hop choreographer was good (dave jones?)
--kameron and neil still strike me as being sooooo awkward. as is pasha.
--i thought faina was great.
--the one part with the breaker doing modern and mia asking him questions, and the whole about "as a breaker, you have to pretend like you're the shit, but it's okay to be humble every once in awhile!!! you are a beautiful person" really added quite a layer of complexity to him.
--isn't it sort of goofy how chemistry between couples/personality matter so much in this competition compared to dancing ability?
thurs night:
--the solos on the whole were not good
--i can't believe faina was kicked off but cedric stayed in
--to be fair, faina's solo was not good.
--did the second guy not fall?
--totally can't tell the white female lyrical dancers and black male lyrical dancers apart. the ballroom and breakers have so much more personality. sorry.
weekly gains/losses:
--sabra is growing on me. and lauren as well.
--i really don't like any of the guys at this moment. dominic is growing on me.