Who Am I? - journal entry for philosophy class

Jun 04, 2007 19:10

Who am I?

The topic of who am I came to my mind while reading Sophie’s World (in philosophy). This topic is important to me, I find it really interesting that only you know who you truly are. This thought of knowing who I am eats at my mind. Also the fear of that only you can truly understand yourself...making you feel almost isolated from the world. Sophie questions if a name has an impact on who you are. I believe she would be the same person. As Shakespeare said “A rose by any another name would smell just as sweet”. This quote states that a rose is just a few random letters put together to form a word, even with a different name it is the same sweet smelling flower it has always been. It is not even our looks that make us who we are but the mind and thoughts behind it. People spend their own lives finding out their identities and learn through experiences. Maybe no one knows who they truly are until they are older and spend most of their lives figuring out what makes them tick or maybe people never truly understand themselves but gain more and more knowledge as the years go by? As the time gos on I think I am starting to find myself; my likes, hates, loves, strengths,weaknesses and so on. I believe that situations of daily life also can change a person, and from these situations they will either learn and grow from their mistakes or this will take them in a different direction. I think as time passes you gain more knowledge creating the person you were suppose to be all along.
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