Title: Gallery
Rating: PG
Pairing: Wonsik/Jaehwan
A/N: i hadn't wrote for months, but this came out when i was procrastinating away from projects and textbooks. Done out from this
prompt but i think i dragged it away from the actual concept or some sort of. Hope i didn't destroy it.
Warning: no talent in title-naming (i can't see much conection between title and fic) and worst, un-beta; pardon for bad grammar errors
It was a dare by a very drunk Hongbin and somewhere into the night, Wonsik gets prompted to do it over and over again by the former’s equally drunk counterpart, Sanghyuk. He is a little tipsy, never was a fantastic drinker, but still able to tell things apart coherently. It was just a rather simple dare; to go into the art gallery just down the road just to use their toilet. This is probably the lamest dare he have ever gotten, but he suppose it’s better than Hakyeon’s stupid dare like running around the neighborhood dressed in his birthday suit and risk spending the night in the police station.
So off he went, dressed as warmly as his slightly buzzed mind instructs him to and hit the road, wincing as the cold wind hit him in the face. He had forgotten to bring his facemask, his alcohol-induced mind recalls leaving it by the door. He shall just made do with hiding behind the high collar of his windbreaker for now.
Half way through the journey, he realizes that nobody followed along to watch him complete his dare. He could hide, and go back stating the completion of his dare without actually doing it, they will never know but he guess that will defeat the purpose of him even leaving the house.
Sporting the art gallery ahead, he quickens his steps. Somewhere in his drunken mind, the equation of art gallery equals to having heater fits well so he might as well hurry in before he freeze outside in the cold.
As gentle as he could, he pushes the door open and promptly fit himself in swiftly. The gallery is design in a minimalistic style, Wonsik notes with approval. He was never fond of the most galleries for their extravagant placement of art pieces and the lack of theme in the venue. Often or not, those galleries look more like a museum than a gallery, with people who believe they understood art strolling around and saying stupid stuff. As far as he is concerned, art are not for the dummies.
Back to the dare, he muses and glances around for the toilet sign. Get through it as quickly as he can, so he can go back home and crash for the rest of the night.
It was then when the ten foot tall artwork by the side of the emergency exit caught his attention.
An abstract painting, he muses as he positions himself in front of the art piece. It’s an array of rather vibrant colors. Thick and dramatic strokes of red pulled an outline to the imagery with hues of orange sprayed at what seems like carefully selected yet randomized areas. Contrasting bright yellow flows in well with the delicate lilac spotted at the background. He can’t tell exactly what the painting is about, abstract art are always frustratingly confusing yet intriguing in that manner, but the whole art piece reminds him of a woman. Maybe it was the color selected or how the bold usage of red seems to draw a figure out but- yes, a fucking sexy woman.
Wonsik can’t explain why he thinks that way. Maybe he needs to get laid.
“What do you think of painting?” Wonsik blinks at the sudden voice. If he is sober at this moment, he would have jumped and yelp in shock. His drunken mind now takes a moment to process before he shrug without even bothering to tear his glance from the artwork.
“Well, I don’t usually art so I can’t answer about abstract stuff.” He tries his very best to answer well without slurring, “but this woman looks one heck of a stunning though I can’t tell anything out of it. Sorry not sorry, but gosh- figure- is that an S-line?” He no longer knows what he is talking, alcohol have taken control now. Wonsik, down.
“I am convinced it’s a woman. With an amazing body.” He muttered again and blinks slowly with appreciation at the artwork. There is laughter ringing next to him and this time round, he finally tears his eyes away from the painting to look the person standing next to him.
It was a man, probably around his age or just a slightly younger, laughing like his life depends on it. Wonsik blinks again (he reacts ten times slower whenever he drinks and brinks at everything, according to Hongbin who does not fare any better than him) at the reaction he have caused and wonders if he should stay and wait for the man to calm down or just simply find the damn toilet and go home.
“I’m sorry for laughing but your answer amuses me so well,” the man finally stopped laughing and wipe off the tears that gathered around his eyes from the act. He straightens himself up and Wonsik feels his breath being knocked out of him right there and then.
Forget about the painting, the man in front of him is beautiful.
Almond-like eyes that’s shinning from his previous laugh, beautiful sculptured nose, lightly messed brown hair that crowns his remarkable face perfectly. The man himself is an artwork.
“I am Lee Jaehwan, the artist of this abstract painting,” perfection self-introduces, a bright smile don on his face and Wonsik’s heart beats on ten time faster than he believe it could.
“Cute…” It was a subconscious murmur but the man had obviously heard him. He giggled in response, a light blush creeping up his face.
Wonsik blinks again slowly and grins back. “I’m Kim Wonsik, here on the lamest dare to use the toilet, and I’m glad to meet you.”
It was an hour later when the both of them left the gallery did Wonsik remembered about his dare. Jaehwan barks out a laughter (it sounds totally melodious to Wonsik) and counter-dares him on having a cup of tea at the 24-hours teahouse with him instead. Wonsik laughs and agrees.
Wonsik believes that the best dare he have ever done.