Nov 24, 2011 20:27
Blood tests done. Team move at work complete. Still awaiting clinic appointment but that's next week. However was copied into a letter from clinic to health centre this week.
Chromosomal abnormality has spooked the doctor at the clinic and he's wanting both an ECG and an abdominal ultrasound scan to confirm his suspicions that nothing abnormal will be found.
The thought of these tests are rather freaking me out. An ECG will require me to be topless. And the ultrasound scan brings back horrible memories. Pretty sure that this will delay hormones for me. Although I'm going to pitch the idea that I've had these tests before, that no one expects to find anything, so can I start T and promise to stop if anything turns up? Because my head hurts about all this.
I'm just getting my head balanced again following a mess up with my anti-depressants, but it really hurts at the thought that I'm still jumping hoops. I know the clinic wouldn't be asking if they didn't think it were for the best (I trust the doctor) but this chromosomal issue has been nothing but bother for my whole life.