
Jun 04, 2007 09:48

I've been absent here for many weeks. Anyone feel fonder towards me? I've been focusing most of my attention on my knitting blog and getting my knit on and have found that I don't really have much else to talk about. Sad isn't it.

A while ago I started writing a long post comparing Canadian campaign finance laws with those in the United States, but I found that it was a little boring and technical. Suffice it to say, in Canada, no politicians are collecting $30 million dollars to support their campaigns because they are only allowed to accept $1000 from any one corporation. I found the amounts being collectedin the US for the candidates running for their party's nominations, over a year before the election, obscene. It's a very strange system.

See, I told you it was boring.

My reading this spring has flip-flopped from reading light mystery novels by Richard Booth and reading heavier books like The God Delusion, The End of Faith and A Letter to a Christian Nation. Christopher Hitchens, who I generally don't like much because of his view on the Iraqi war, recently published a book called "God is Not Great" and though I had determined that I would not buy it, I read some of it at the bookstore and found it coming home with me. I just pretend he didn't write it.

All these books present interesting arguments for why the need for religion has run its course. As reason and evolutionary science continues to prove that the earth was not a product of design but a product of evolution, the religious arguments based solely on faith are less powerful.

And then there's the whole "religion causes war, unrest, terrorism" angle which I won't get into. Anyway, the books are interesting.

So that's what I have gotten up to in the last little while - not much, eh?
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