(no subject)

Oct 09, 2006 11:53

Today I actually went to my Media Lecture. I know, shock horror. HOWEVER! although I arrived to uni at about 2.10pm...my brain decided that it was too late to go to my 2pm lecture, and instead made me read my book...for 2 hours...

Other than that, life's been pretty cruisy. Have NO pressing assigments or exams, not for 2 weeks actually so I'm kinda stoked, and I'm going to TRY to have then done ON TIME and MODERATELY WELL. At least...that's the plan :p


"Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included."

1. I have no discipline anymore AT ALL. In high school, I could do it, but now. Nup. No uni assignments, no lectures, no tutes, NO WORK. I'm actually quite disgusted at how lazy I am, but can't seem to stop.

2. I love the new Pink Wish Tim Tams. They are the best Tim Tams EVER!

3. I don't eat flake, for the fear that a shark will come along and eat me through karma.

4. I am quite a fan of The Used now.

5. My self-esteem rises and falls like a heartbeat on a monitor. Little things can totally shatter it. Like a 'look'.

6. I watch Love Actually waaaay too much. That cast, storyline, and that soundtrack? Nothing can beat it. I think, that it has to be given the award for Best.Movie.Ever.

And I won't tag anyone...cos everyone will do it eventually. I KNOW YOU'RE ALL BORED!

C'mon. Humour me :D
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