Jun 09, 2005 22:31
Well, "you gotta take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad. But don't get made if thigs don't go the way your plannin." For now the life of one man is sucure for another day, but the life of another is still in question for the night. I love both with all my heart, and I know that when the time is rigth the time is right, btu GOD you don't make it easy. I guess we wouldn't understand love if their was no without. I have been on my knees for the past few nights praying for your help, and today I saw shades of it coming through, but till this fight is over (either way it goes) I will be on my knees doing the same nigth in and night out. The simple things in life, teenage relationships, work, money, education, fun... they don't mean a damn! I'm going to wait for a sign... if you grant this man a few more years I will forever be greatful, but if you feel it is time for them to go, then know this. I'm sure I will be bitter, toward you and toward the world. But, I also understand that everything happens for a reason, and I will someday come back around. So I guess in closing I wright this as a testment to you and to everyoen else. I pray that you pray with me, and I will inturn pray that you never have to deal with this. I love you all, even if rigth now I don't like you. I'm sure if you care enough you will call my cell, but you can also post and I will update you. That you all for your patients, and your understanding