Jan 18, 2004 03:53
I am really tired of work. I have been nonstop with work since xmas vaca ended. I can't remember the last time i had a really really good night's sleep, in fact I can't remember sleeping at all. If you haven't noticed, it is almost 4 am. I seem to be unable to sleep. I know I will spend the first half of intersession sleeping and the other half bitching. Speaking of that I bitch too much about school, let's bitch about friends. I hate how I know half the story sometimes because my friends are afraid of my reaction to the entire story. Knowing half a truth is worst than not knowing the story at all, least then I don't feel like someone lied to me. I'm sorry if I don't seem more accepting of things, but that is who I am. Don't worry though, when something bad happens, I will still be there for you to cry on my shoulder, I am not the "I Toldja So" type.
Lately I have been plagued with the creepiest dreams. I woke up this morning thinking I needed to rush to the bathroom to wash the blood that was dripping off my right leg. I am almost not myself in these dreams, I seen like a person who is in desperate need of a therapist. I seem like a person who is screaming at the top of their lungs and no one hears a single sound. I constantly wake up feeling abandoned and hurt yet not having anything happen at all. I am getting tired of waking up with chills and bracing myself for the next hit. I bet this is my mind telling me to sleep more than 3 hours a night.
Good night all, I will be owling til morning.