What should I do???

Mar 11, 2004 14:10

This is my next assignment for english, i need some help or suggestions on what to write about....

Essay Three: Advocacy, Argument, Controversy
In your final, longer essay, argue passionately for a perspective on a topic that is important to you. Your argument will require some research; it will require you to reflect on and respond to arguments different from your own; it will require you to use strong language, carefully managed. If you choose a topic that has been debated long and hard in our society (i.e. abortion, capital punishment, evolution vs. creation, gay marriage), then you need to find some new angle on the debate, because you have to assume that readers have already “heard it all.” If you choose a topic that is not well known or that many people do not have a stake in, then you will need to take some time to introduce readers to the topic and help them understand the importance of it. The essay also requires, in order to be authoritative and persuasive, that you demonstrate concrete knowledge (even facts) about your topic from research or inquiry. The essay should be between 2000- 2500 words long and should include an MLA style Works Consulted page.
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