Aug 30, 2008 17:46

Today's question received. Finally, starting tomorrow the 30th, members of Arashi, which are the main personality, will began the 24 hours TV. Well, as for this year, the 24 hours TV running, who will be the charity marathon runner? Please choose among the following 3:

1. Kado Harumi-san
2. Edo Harumi-san
3. Edo Satoshi-san

The answer is 2: Edo Harumi-san (she once came to AnS.. she's the "gooo~~d" female comedian)

I'll be answering the enquiry made by the person who suggested the question.

In this year's 24 hours TV, is there anything that Oh-Chan wants us to pay attention/observe for? By all means, please tell us your determination.

Ee. 24 hours TV. It has been 4 years. We were allowed to be in it again. Well, this year, what will i be doing?

The main thing i'll be doing mainly is about this time theme, which is "vow". It's a super huge object, where the "vow" kind of meaning is included too. This means that i'll be making an enormous artwork. I'm making a progress on my design now.

It will be a picture of everyone's various vows, full of vows or something.I would be making so many various things. One of them that i'll be doing is that huge artwork.

Inside (i'm guessing inside the Budokan), i sort of will be making a figurine too. So i also don't know what to create in 24 hours but may be i'll be making something adequate.

Staff-san told me that 4 years ago, it had been pretty hectic. So since 4 years ago had gone by, how far will i be able to stay awake now? That is challenging but i'll be fine. Between 4 years ago and nowadays, the me now also has physical strength and is young.

I won't feel sleepy or anything like that. I'll be completely fine. Everyone would be like "May be Oh-chan would fell asleep, won't he?". Please don't worry about me so much. If i did sleep, i think people would be like "oh he's getting old after all".

Very well, every week on Friday, i will be introducing the messages received. I will be waiting for the mails. The e-mail address is Awaiting lots of messages.

See you again next week. It's Ohno Satoshi.

  • Today is the 24 hours TV. I hope it all goes well. I can't wait to see Ohno's new artwork and figurine!!!
  • "So since 4 years ago had gone by, how far will i be able to stay awake now?" -- He's speaking like an ojiisan here when he used "okiterareru". Usually young people would often shorten it to "okireru". It shows that he's aware of his age in what he said in the following.
  • Actually when he said "please don't worry about me so much", i don't know how to put it in English. Literally it means "please don't worry peculiarly @ please don't have weird / strange concerns about me" implying the previous comment about fans thinking that he might fell asleep and such lol. Well he did made a vow that he won't fall asleep in this year 24 hours TV, didn't he???
  • Happy Birthday Matsujun!!!!! I don't have anything special to share :( But i hope you have a fab birthday blast! I'm sure the boys have something "special" for you! <3
  • Has anyone listened to the new song Re'mark'able????????????????? To be honest, i'm not really a fan of rap songs but this is quite goooooooooood~~~~~ What is it like? ♪ ARASHI'S ALIVE 終わらない ARASHI'S FINE 止まらない♪ . This is what i can catch but i might misheard it... Anyway, Oh-chan RAPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D CUTE!!!!!
  • Has anyone listened to this week's AD???!! When he said "Ohayou Oh-chan", it's too much!!!!! TOO ADORKABLE!!!! I'm imagining him making this cross-eyed eyes when he said that! And then when he said that he didn't go to a festival lately, he sounded so low, seemed like depressed that he can't go :P

translations, arashi discovery, ohno satoshi

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