Today is a question received about teledrama. Every Friday, at what time the TBS station serial drama "Maou" starring Ohno Satoshi will be broadcasted? Please choose among these 3 choices:
1. 10pm
2. 10am
3. 6.50am
The answer is #1, 10pm.
This means that i'll be answering enquiry from the person who suggested the question this week.
"Ohno-kun, did you
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Haha! There was a time when weddings were in June (the whole June bride thingy) but this year, May was it. Every weekend there was a wedding in my extended family. And I attended NOT ONE of them. Haha!
I attended NOT ONE of them.
LUCKY GIRL!!!! My mum literally forced me to. Saying despicable things like if i don't go to their weddings, then no one would come to my weddings... -___- Geezz....
Whoa, wait, wait, back up!
then no one would come to my weddings...
WeddingSSS? lolz
Typo, typo! hahahaha. No, no. I hope i don't have to marry twice or that sort of things *___* lol
I am stubborn too but i feel obligated at the same time. I hate how she emphasises on "no one would come to my wedding" although thought like "like i care" did come across my mind. I think it'd have been better if i didn't go anyway because all i did was sulk. LOL. I was so bored. None of my closest cousins came anyway -___-*
I can think of one (twisted) scenario of multiple weddings. FIVE weddings. ARASHIan weddings. See? Twisted.
I guess it helped that I barely or do not at all know the bride or groom. :) Or I find a reason, like maybe I have to work overtime or something, or I had prior plans. :) Worked like a charm everytime. XDD
maybe I have to work overtime or something
Hence i've been thinking a lot whether i should work abroad or something... lol
Hmmm...who knows what's going on in that head of his. :)
Work abroad! That'll be like the ultimate excuse!!!
Yes yes i've been thinking hard about working abroad. But that would mean work>>>>ARASHI. I would probably won't have the time for Arashi if i worked abroad....
Oh, he'd probably change his mind once he meets THE ONE.
Ahahaha! What an excuse! "Oh, I'm marrying Ohchan, and I don't really care whether people would come to my wedding or not, so I'll pass on attending yours, thanks very much."
....unless 'abroad' is in Japan, then you'd be closer to Arashi!!!
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