Want to say a big THANKS to everyone for the support, last week or so has been a definite downer and I've REALLY appreciated the comments.
Things appear to be on the up now (go soap your brain! I heard that thought!) home worries are finalising (finally) which is a heavy weight lifted. Work I'm still a little tense about, nothing's been said and I don't want a huge fuss, but I do want my feelings respected, we'll see how the week ends.
I was way to busy squeeeeeeeing to remember to post about it, but with wonderful timing
saskia399 wrote me the loveliest, loveliest smut
Leo & Salai and you really should go drool over it.
Got some crochet to finish -
syndelar I've not forgotten you! Then I'll return to my Texan thief p0rn.
*HUGS flist*