Go Mobama!

Nov 04, 2008 13:39

So, I know most everyone on my friends' list has voted (or will be shortly).  Many thanks tograndmasterbek  for her coersion of a certain someone. There are a few funny stories from this election about Jack.  (Jack is my nephew - pictured with my niece Lily below).

Story #1.  Apparently Jack & Lily helped their Dad canvas for Obama over the weekend.  Jack enjoyed the experience, especially when he was the one allowed to hang the pamphlet on the doorknob.   However, he did struggle with voicing his candidates' name and would frequently refer to Obama as "IRACK MOBAMA"

Story #2.  Today, Jack accompanied my sister to the polls.  After spending 50 minutes in line, Jack had the following sentiments to report about his voting endeavors: "We've been here too long.  I'm sick of voting.  I vote everyday."

So, there you go.  Even if you are sick of voting, and you vote everyday.... Please be patient and persistent and VOTE. :)
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