So, I drove through a blizzard! Like, white out conditions. Thankfully it had cleared up on the way home and we just inched home alongside all the people fleeing Denver on Thursday, lol. I was scared shitless, really, but I'm very proud of how I handled it. I milked the breaks a lot. A LOT. The ice is what really scares me. It was weird to not be able to see any building or trees or anything but the road and a few nearby cars, but that wasn't what scared me. Just the ice. Well, and the windshield wipers iced over and that was obnoxious and trying to find your exits and buildings in a white out is freaky, but it was fine in the end. So weird. Kind of reminded me of the movie The Mist. It looked that way coming in while I was at work. That was strange too, it was totally fine and nice to work for a couple of hours before it started to snow then it got crazy. I saw a couple of Mormon missionaries walking through it before it started really coming down and felt SO bad for them. If I'd been in a position to, I'd have stopped and asked if they needed help. They looked kinda lost and confused. And bikeless. But the traffic was weird and I was on the wrong side of the street. It didn't get really bad till like a half hour to and hour after that, and there was plenty of shelter around, so I hope they're alright.
Been a crazy weekend, lots of co-worker events that were a lot of fun! Lots of nice people and conversations. Sat was a Karen's co-workers party and Sun was my co-workers. Lots of wonderful people and very distracting. It's always a pleasant surprise too to discover we're not the only ones who don't drink or smoke, heh! Often we feel like the only ones and it seems like something just EVERYONE does, you know? But that's not so, and that's good to realize. It's always nice not to feel alone. We're also not quite as rabid about smoking as we were in Phoenix. The air moves here, and that makes a huge difference. The smoke doesn't hang around and stagnate and strangle and gag so much. Still don't care for it at all of course, but I don't lose my mind about it the same way. We have to close the porch window when our neighbor steps out for a smoke, but this doesn't make me feel trapped and accosted like it did in AZ. Just mildly inconvenienced. The wind is a blessing and a curse up here. ;) And I add curse there, because being a waver in 30mph winds is exciting in the omgwtfbbq sort of way.
Also... finally got
A Lion Amongst Men from the library. So excuse me while I fangirl extensively for a bit. I need to e-mail back a bunch of people and I will, I promise. Just kinda all over the place. :P
Also been fighting with FTP like hell so I can update
Blue Gorgon... I started making changes and a dedication page for Ma-tsu there, but I can't access my directory. I tried the firewalls, I tried active, inactive, and the weird thing is I can access Comic Genesis just not Blue Gorgon. Argh, wtf...
Lots to do as far as writing and art. Have to take a break from the ftp for my sanity, as much as I want to get BG situated and to honor Ma-tsu properly there.