Firstly, happy Bi-Pride day! I use this icon in honor of it. ;)
I'm so bad. We put up these lovely and inexpensive wall shelves in the bedroom for my action figures, which looks awesome on the way to the bathroom. It says "Female Geeks live here." somehow. Love it! And after setting up my figures, there was space left over for like 2 or 3 more. >_> So I thought I'd browse a lil online real quick for future reference.
OMG WANT! *fangirls for like an hour* Luckily it isn't even released yet, and it's actually way more expensive than I tend to want to go for a figure... but... Vashj! She's so beautiful!! *dies* I was hoping to see maybe a fem-Orc or a fem-Troll, but... OMG Vashj! WANT!
And if McFarlanes Guitar Hero series comes out with a nice Judy Nails figure? So all over that. I'm so glad none of these things are available right now, lol! I'm still mad Elfquest/DC never made good on my Winnowill figure though. :P It was crushing on that wicked Elf that got me into comics in the first place. C'mon, DC! I have a spot for her and everything! I know I already have a signed print of her but.... Action Winnie!
Also, while I'm fangirling...
Farscape comics!! XD Man, we gotta look for a good comic book place on this side of town... hopefully one that caters to our artsy independant tastes like Kabuki, India Authentic, Fables, etc that we're prolly way behind on now. :P SIP spoiled us with the subscription. But squee, Farscape! <3
Ahem *collects self* Anywhos... progress is being slowly made in making ourselves at home. The bunnies love having their castle back, but are still pen bound till we get all the wires etc tucked safely out of the way. The bathroom is done, bedroom just about there, livingroom... massive mess, but that's what happens when you decide dumping out boxes just to get rid of boxes is a good idea, lol. Plus, we need some items to help us get organized. My computer is still dead, haven't found the Windows disk it wants. :P We'll get it all sorted eventually. The LAST thing we need right now is more crap, I'm just being a dorky fangirl.
I get why my family was so "wtf, Firefox doesn't work" now, btw. Apparently, it makes Comcast angry. Dunno what that's all about. :/
Oh yeah, and free cable is spoiling the hell out of me. Not only do I watch Ghost Hunters religiously, I have a new soap opera I'm hooked on. Meerkat Manor. Karen got me into Clean House now too, which I resisted at first having too much sympathy for my fellow packrats. But now I love Neicy Nash, the crew, and the beautiful homes at the end enough to get past that, lol! It's fascinating, and so many lovely decorating ideas! It's also the only thing on the Style network I can stand, apparently. I adore Discovery and the History channel. Lots of non-fiction for me. Although
tytoalba will be pleased to know, last night was spent busting up over the Sarah Silverman show. ;) Watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report on TV is also made of win.
However, via Netflix, we've also seen a bunch of great movies and shows too! Waking Life, Persepolis, and Ghost World we've finally seen! All of which I loved, the first two being particularly brilliant. Liked Ghost World a lot, but still would rather own Art School Confidential. Finally saw the new Hair Spray movie too, which was cute but strange. Liked the original a bit better, honestly, but the sheer surreality of John Travalta in drag singing and waltzing with Christopher Walken totally makes it worth it. Also, John Waters making a cameo as a flasher? Priceless. Seen more than this, but my brain is in about 400 places at once so, yeah.
Sorry for the long post! This is what happens when I'm quiet for a bit. ;)