Sweet! I love deep sea discoveries and information... there's so much in those depths we know nothing about and I'm utterly fascinated by the alien life that's down there! I gotta say, that certainly doesn't look like a spider to me! I'm intrigued they're labeling it as such. Very cool stuff. ^_^ Sad how they have to go about it, but fascinating nonetheless.
This is also why in WoW I'm so obsessed with getting Kahani this
Netherray Mount. Because I adore and am intriqued by sea creatures, especially the odd ones! Everyone else wants a dragon mount, and I'm all "SQUEE, Flying Deep Sea Stingray Monster!!" Reminds me a bit of Moya from Farscape, in a kinda organic living spaceship alien deep sea creature-like way. Except totally different. :P
EDIT: Check this out, deep sea mermaid!