OMG, our insurance agent is family! Her card is even rainbow! :D That's awesome. We're everywhere, mwuahaha.
Also, what's with people I think are awesome posing together lately? First the Dalai Lama and Bindi Irwin, now
Neil Gaiman and Doug Jones! What next, Mana and David Bowie? (Oh, that would SO be an icon...fangirl death)
Cleo is having the weirdest reaction to the surgery... not in a bad way, but she is suddenly more of a cuddle slut than she has ever been in her life. She wants to get pet ALL the time, and falls over into a fit of purrs when you do. At first I thought it was the drugged and itchy thing, but she's not trying to scratch the area anymore and she's slept off the sedative. She's just orgasmically obsessed with cuddles now. You can knock her into ecstasy with a feather. It's bizarre! Cute, and a helluva lot better than her being in pain, but bizarre! Especially after her hissing up a storm at the vet. We have experienced critter surgery before (albeit never this minor before) but this is a reaction we have NEVER seen. O.o Crazy inflatokitty! She's always been affectionate, but this... this is something else, lol.
Bollyrobics has been pushed back till Sept 07 for release. Up side though, we now have the capability of getting to the gym without meltering again and I'm going to start going every week like I did before. I get a lot of reading done on that bike, and feel better too. We do need a nice humidifier, though I dunno where we'd plug it in... but I'm eyeing
I'm currently making a list of things we need/want/etc and how much they cost so we can plan. I'd like for everything I make with the Blue Gorgon art to go toward the snakes and snake supplies, so I'm really hoping more people take an interest in my store so we can get our snake corner and breeding projects established. A friend of mine runs an online magazine and recently asked to use Ardhanari Naga as the cover, and I would get a whole page to advertise myself with! It gets a ton of hits, so I'm excited and nervous and of course said yes! Still obsessing over writing up my "about the cover" page. It's surprisingly difficult to think how to promote myself, or word it at all right! :P But we can do it... Aum Maha Lakshmi Namah!