So, Cleo update... she is alert, seeing, hearing, acting like her normal self. They want us to do a recheck asap at the regular vet, but the emergency trip was such a financial owie and she's doing so well we set it for the next available date that wasn't a "pay extra to squeeze us in" emergency appointment. That is next tuesday, and next week is a doozy to begin with so that will be an adventure. In the meantime, her insulin dosage is cut in half and we need to keep a close eye on her. Sadly, she's finally starting to really look her age. She hasn't really till recently, but now she looks so tired and scruffy... *sighs* My poor baby. She is herself again though, and right now that's the main thing.
After all that, we went over the budget and winced a lot. If we cut out say... eating food, then maybe we can pull off car and car insurance payments. So not so much unless we can figure out some kind of amazing deal. Car insurance in Phoenix is astronomical. It's also gonna be a while before we move anywhere, let alone Oregon. *sighs* Frustrating, but we'll figure things out. We need to be better about being grateful for what we have and trusting that things will come in time. I keep scapegoating this city and feeling trapped, but that doesn't help anything. I've got a few potential commissions but it's been weeks since I've heard from them so I just don't know. One day at a time.
I made a new icon in honor of the Remover of Obstacles in view of all the drama in struggling to move forward. I feel about Lord Ganesh the way Ricky Bobby does about Jesus... there's something about image of him as a baby that really appeals to me. :) "Dear tiny infant Ganesh... Dear 8 pounds 6 ounces baby Ganesh, new born, not even spoken a word yet... I wanna thank little baby Ganesh, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors..." /(^v^;\ Even our murti of Sri Ganesh is of him as a baby sitting on Sri Siva's knee. Not sure if it's the cuteness or innocence factor, but this icon is from my favorite picture of him. Aum Ganeshaya Namah.
We did manage, over the weekend though,
to make a vid on how to wrap a bunny in a towel burrito for medicine giving purposes. It's hard to explain in writing how to do it, and I know I never fully got it till I was shown a few times and got the "tuck" part. So there's a link to that, with me looking a mess and Unut being adorable. My hair looks like something out of an Asian Horror movie. :P Oh well.
My to do list is very very long, and all I feel like doing is taking a nap, cuddling the fur kids, or playing WoW. :P Urgh.