Jan 06, 2007 03:32
I'm worried about Daphne. She's gotten thin all of a sudden, and I'm noticing some strung together poo (probably fur or carpet fragments) as well as a decreased appetite... Karen noticed her thinness first, but I didn't really see it till today. She weighs almost nothing, as we scooped the bunnies for their pedicures. She's always lighter than those heavy boys (well, heavy NOW, Unut was the lightest for a little while but not anymore) so I just thought it was that for a while but then when she finally let me pet her, I could feel her spine really well... way too thin... She's very shy and runs from us a lot, hides, has an attitude, and only ever wants us to pet her head so it's hard to tell what's going on with her at any given time... she IS eating and pooping, just... not eating near as much as she should. She's had to have a tooth filed down in the past, and it could be that again or maybe a hairball in her belly... I don't know...
On top of this, my period is very very late. I know what it isn't unless immaculate conception is an option and that's really not Siva's style, so... no. No idea. But seriously, weeks late. This is pretty unusual for me.
I did a full japa with my mala twice today, and had a good morning. It was rainy for a change and I felt really tranquil walking out in it... But now I'm really putting off going to bed and feeling tense, even after yoga. Maybe I'll just go meditate for a while, try to calm and center, but if I'm as pmsed as I think I am, regrouping that energy from earlier will be a challenge. I just really feel like crying all of a sudden. Maybe I'll do another round on my mala... Or just bury my face in Cleo's fur for a while...