Dec 06, 2006 09:05
I was out for like... 10 or 11 hours, and I'm still super groggy... being awake more than 24 hours is fun like that. Always with the catching up to do.
Amarin's car is alive and well, and amusingly enough the thieves left gifts just like they did last time. Nothing was broken, they changed the radio stations and the seat position, and left a Nissan master key (how they got in and started the car) and some kind of... I forget what it's called, bolt cutter? Some big tool with which they cut the metal club off the car. As well as a Twix wrapper. So, yes, they abandoned it in quite a hurry to leave the master key and the metal clipper in it! Of course, the spirit Amarin's dad does haunt that car, so he must have done something to scare them off. It was the same last time, they left tools and abandoned the car in a hurry. Looks like joy riders again too. So the car has been stolen twice now, and both times it came back just fine. *knocks on wood!*
So, yes, car theft is officially a mere annoyance in Phoenix. It's that common.
I forgot how nasty downtown is though. I stepped over a used pregnancy test that was framed by broken glass and cigarettes as we walked from the bus stop to the impound place. Used condoms, you expect to see on the side of the road down there. Pregnancy test was a new one. Also, a girl on the bus smelled SO strongly of pot, I hadn't known it was possible... It was like she'd rolled around in pot ashes for days or something. It was such a strong smell I really got queasy. Well, it was the combination of that, BO, smokers, and feeling mildly carsick since I couldn't see out the front window of the bus. (I have to keep my eyes on the road when I'm moving, or angry tummy ensues). The area we arrived in didn't smell much better. Bleh.
I may have to go back to sleep... or at least make tea.... so sweepy... I do need to get to work though... mmm, tea...