A major major thanks to
galleon_lore for linking me to this vid. After we watched it, Karen said it's a fantastic reminder of what Full Circle is even all about, and why we got doing it in the first place. It's about the characters. How they rise and fall and grow and get set back... how they change and the decisions they make. It's about exploring possibilities, and seeing where they take us.
This is a Reboot fanvid of the life of Hexadecimal. She is a superb example of a complex villainess who goes through all kinds of metamorphosis. It's so important for protagonists and antagonists alike to have depth, to grow and change, and to be... well, a person. If I can't understand where a character is coming from on some level somewhere between their creation to their death, then the writer hasn't done their job. Likable villains have a huge impact that's often overlooked. The love/hate relationship hooks a lot of readers, myself included. A fleshed out character's life should be like a roller coaster, no matter what side of the line they stand on. Highs, lows, realizations, and changes of direction. Hex is a fantastic example of this. The fine line between antagonist and anti-hero.
In any case, just wanted to share the character development love. :) Enjoy the vid, and if you're familiar with the character or not I hope it inspires you all the same!
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