Sorry I haven't been online at all for a few days, I've been most distracted as per usual. I also had another one of those lovely flashes of insight that I love so much. As far as spirituality, I haven't really had one of these since
this post and I hope that this time I can get my thoughts down more coherently than last time. Because this makes even more sense to me than the other one. Or rather, this one runs deeper and clarifies the older.
I adore
The Elegant Universe and am intrigued by String Theory. I think they're really truly onto something with this, the theory that unifies Relativity and Quantum Physics. The idea that at the most basic infinitesimal level everything is formed by vibration. The Theory of Everything. You can watch
the entire Elegant Universe program on youtube if you don't feel up to the book. It's fascinating and beautiful, at once a scientific and artistic way to look at the universe. Basically... the universe we live in is a complex and beautiful symphony. Here's a clip from the program just for example. 10 minute long clip, but just a clip nonetheless to give you the jist.
So, I've been a String Theory fan for some time now. And lately, I've finally been exploring Hinduism and doing some major catching up on a religion that's always intrigued me.
We've all heard of
"OM" or "Aum" depending on how you wish to spell it. I've seen the symbol, I've heard the chant, but it's never really struck me with full force till now. What OM IS is the divine as a sound/vibration. The divine that is within everything, that makes up everything. As a vibration. Sound familiar? Has Hinduism had a grasp of String Theory thousands of years before scientists? I believe so! "Om" is String Theory at it's very core... poetic simplicity. Connecting with the divine in everything through vibration. Recognizing it in it's most basic form.
Thinking on that, I was also think about how Hinduism appears to be a polytheistic religion when it actually is not. All gods are one god, the divine in all things, and different things/gods/symbols/etc are all purely aspects of the same divine energy. This has been more or less my own belief for some time now, and I was surprised to find that reflected in this ancient religion.
Going further with this, and my own theories about deities being personalized anthropomorphic manifestations of particular energies, I started thinking of these energies in terms of vibration... I think honoring one particular "god" or several particular "gods" is attracting/creating/implementing a particular vibration that makes up your own divine "song". For example if you honor (or "worship" though I'm loathe to use the term. :P) the Christian god, then that is the kind of divine vibration you are creating/attracting and although many people may also honor a divine energy that has the same name as yours (Same religion, in other words) your own personal interpretation is unique to you. You might be playing a similar tune, but what you take from it/contribute to it is all yours.
Everyone has different needs and tastes, to keep using music as an analogy. Have different "vibes". We need different vibrations to be comfortable or relaxed. Our tastes and needs can change as well, either by choice or just by nature. Each individual is more comfortable with their preferred vibration. With some people, it can feel like they're playing their "music" too loud and it makes others uncomfortable. We're just not on the same wavelength. I've met people like that, where we're not even discussing hot button topics or anything or perhaps not even talking at all, but they just gave off a "loud" vibe I was uncomfortable with and I'm sure it was mutual. Talk about marching to the beat of a different drummer! Another reason that proselytizing really irks me. People come to whatever path or vibration when they're ready for it, when it feels right. They seek it out and find it in their own time.
I feel overwhelmingly inspired by this. I know now what I want my next tattoo to be. The Aum symbol on my wrist, small on the back of my right wrist where I can see it at all times. I want the symbol facing me, so I'm reading it upside right. It's a reminder to me that we're all a part of the great symphony and that I do have a say in what kind of vibration/contribution I make. To remind me that I am a part of the divine. That everything is part of the divine, and made up of the same basic elements. Everything and everyone. I want it circled by an
Ouroboros and perhaps flanked with diagonal
Caduceus... In kind of a bracelet style in case I need to find a job where they'd give me a hard time about it. I'm taking time out from some other projects to put this together. But I feel truly inspired, just in awe of the whole concept right now.
That's more or less where my brain has been this weekend.
EDIT: Here's basically what I want, it was quite easy to put together and I love it!