In the interest in preserving
medusarising as a sort of morbid museum detailing a roughly two year period in the heart of the six years I spent misdiagnosed and being slowly murdered, I have made all entries in this journal Public, including the never seen Private entries, such as the six Raymond letters.
In my old age, I wish to keep this as a record of my struggle, my intifâda against what existence was doing to me. So, this will stand as a monument to my turbulent past, and as far as I know, this is the only surviving record of that era. All my OpenDiary archives and my other LJ archives have long been deleted.
A further note on my scribblings: I often switch languages and often don't supply translations. If you are honestly interested in what's there, feel free to e-mail the entry to me, and I will reply with the translation. I would add translations everywhere in here, but it is far too time consuming and I want to preserve it as it is, without adding addendum.
Also, as to the future of
medusarising... I believe that I will retire it from active use from this point, and migrate instead to a new one: