surveys are important, clearly

Feb 05, 2009 04:23

Clez tagged me to do this question meme thing. As it's 4 in the morning and I'm still awake despite having taken an Ambien four hours ago, what the hell, I'll go ahead and do it.

1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
From my Greek mythology phase, I think, during those few months when it combined with my emo college phase. It may have had something to do with a picture I saw depicting a beautiful Medusa in a garden of stone men.

2. If you could live in any book, which would it be?
I'm scanning my bookshelf, and I'm seeing a lot of books I definitely wouldn't want to live in. Tanya Huff's Keeper Chronicles would probably be fun, if I avoided minivans.

3. What is making you happy right now?
I finally got "Single Ladies" out of my head. Oh, damn, there it goes again.

4. What are you currently reading?
Cheap Tricks and Class Acts. Contrary to what you're probably thinking right now, it's about the various types of effects used in '50s and '60s sci-fi movies. I just finished the chapter on animatronic monsters.

5. Do you need music to study/write?
To study or write anything academic, I need classical (or otherwise lyric-less) music, or else I need silence. Sometimes music helps get me in the right mood for fiction, though. I've been known to just put one song on repeat if it's keeping my mindset right.

6. Of all the people in your life, who is the one person you've lost touch with that you wish you hadn't?
It's been a long time since I fully lost touch with someone - I can think of plenty of people I wish I talked to more regularly (Sadie! Lauren! Leanne! Alyssa! Joycie! Chomski!) but I wouldn't say we've lost touch. Rebecca, I guess, from Darkstone, she always seemed like a very smart and talented woman who could go cool places and I'd love to know how she ended up.

7. What is the ugliest body part?
Genitals. Male, female, it doesn't matter. We hide them under our clothing for a reason.

8. Do you like gender politics?
As an academic study, sure, they're pretty fascinating in the right context. In day-to-day life, though, it's all just kind of tiring.

9. What is your favourite movie genre?
Is 'awesome' a genre? It should be. I tend to go for sci-fi and action movies, generally speaking, but a list of my all-time favorite movies wouldn't really favor any one genre. I guess my favorite genre is films that transcend categorization.

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
A granola bar. One of those ones with the little chocolate and peanut butter chips that we all used to pack in our lunch boxes.

11. What is your favourite colour?
That dark shade of blue-grey that the ocean turns when the sky is cloudy.

12. How much money do you think you are worth?
Depends on what the people paying for me are expecting. I'm worth a lot more as a secretary or a movie-watching buddy than, say, a trophy wife or an electrician.

13. What's your favourite food?
I'm really craving gnocchi right now, so I'm going to say that.

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
Spanish would be handy, we've got a pretty good-sized Mexican population here. Well, it would have been handy when I was in retail. I'd also like to speak Esperanto, just to say I could do it.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who warn you beforehand that some people say they're a bitch, but they're really not. If that many people are calling you a bitch, you're probably a bitch. Just embrace it.

16. Do you have a birthmark?
Not the dramatic port-wine kind or anything. I have a few moles, if those count.

17. Who was your childhood idol?
Katarina Witt. I really, really wanted to be an ice skater for a while there.

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
North Carolina, wherever Lauren's new apartment is, and I want Sadie to come too.

19. Who would play you in a movie?
Some charming unknown. Failing that, maybe I'll pull an Audie Murphy and play myself (unless you have to be as badass as the actual Audie Murphy to get away with that).

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
She's hilarious, and she gets shit done like nobody else I've ever encountered.
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