Apr 07, 2005 16:31
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are" Anais Nin
Nobody ever said giving up chocolate would be easy. All I seem to have done since proudly proclaiming to Bitchy yesterday morning that I was giving up chocolate and sweets is eat the damn stuff. Seems forbidden choccies are all the more exciting, oo come here you naughty, naughty sour snake...(they look real purdy when you've sucked away their outer coating, all glistening and translucent like but taste like crap) ....Called my father in Australia to give me something else to think about and entice me away from the bad stuff only to find he's gone to Germany with Winifred and instead there's a man with a deep and sultry voice named Leo holding fort in their place.
Spent the afternoon scanning nurses' bladders at work with the new bladder scanner, mildy terrifying for patients, I'd imagine as the damn thing makes a noise like a lawnmower whilst spitting paper trails out one end and at the other end is a beeping object not dissimilar to a dildo in shape that you hold firmly and thrust south of the belly button, whiz around until you get the right reading and try not to giggle out loud as you do it....who designs these things I wonder and what are they on? Interesting however that they not only pick up bladder volumes but also anything lurking that contains any type of fluid, cysts etc. Now, there didn't you really wanna know that? I'd better go find more lollies....