You are the Rogue of Love in the Land of Motion and Falsehood.
Your chumHandle is gardenEnthusiast
Your interests include COLLECTIBLES and PALEONTOLOGY.
Your wield the screwdriverKind specibus and have combined your POWER SCREWDRIVER with your SPOCK POSTER and FOOTPRINT FOSSIL to create your awesome weapon.
You are obsessed with collecting EVERY POSSIBLE ALIEN FOSSIL in hopes of one day proving that Spock does indeed exist.
The consorts of your land are FORGETFUL TURQUOISE CRANES who like DANCING. They tend to lie a lot in their interpreted dances. You are the Guide of Caste in the Land of Rock and Stumps.
Your chumHandle is passiveParadox
Your interests include SCIENCE and GAMBLING.
Your wield the fncysntaKind specibus and have combined your FANCY SANTA with your STEAMPUNK NOVEL and ROULETTE WHEEL to create your awesome weapon.
You believe that Santa drives a STEAMPUNK ENGINE instead of a sleigh and that he vacations in LAS VAGAS on his off days. You think he's good at BLACKJACK, ROULETTE WHEELS and RUSSIAN ROULETTE. You don't know why Santa would play RUSSIAN ROULETTE but you bet he would win every time.
The consorts of your land are TIMID TRANSLUCENT DUGONS who like AGRICULTURE. They aren't very good at it, planting mostly rocks and trees. You think you should explain the word AGRICULTURE to them again. You don't know how, since they're so hard to find.