The Dreaded Tea Party Appears at Last

Feb 26, 2011 16:27

There is an assortment of teas set out in an open courtyard. It looks quite inviting, actually. Teas of all kinds and flavors are set in decorative tea pots. Everything seems perfectly normal. There's a curious party already checking out the teas. It's Yuu-chan. She keeps popping the lids open and peering into the tea pots. She seems to expect to see something in there. When she doesn't, she gives a satisfied sigh and settles down to pour herself a cup of tea. But beware, all the teas have different effects!

Chocolate tea:
As opposed to flipping personalities, suddenly gain someone else's personality! Tyki acting like Link, Link acting like Rhode-- madness!

Vanilla tea:
Completely flip your personality. Good is bad, bad is good, etc.

Cherry tea:
Not only will the drinker be more arrogant, snobbish and better than you, but they will also voice it. Loudly. Narcissism is encouraged. So is slapping them back to their senses.

Berry tea:
For the love of all that is good and shoujo, will the drinkers of this tea stop sparkling so melodramatically?

Mint tea:
Drinkers of this tea can't tell anything but the lies. Cures Strawberry tea.

Lemon tea:
Causes blindness. Cures White tea.

Daffodil tea:
Suddenly your clothes don't seem to fit so well... adult drinkers of this tea will be deaged to childhood. Child drinkers will be aged to adulthood.

Earl Grey tea:

Lady Grey tea:
Ever wondered what it was like to be the opposite gender? You didn't? Too bad! Turns boys to girls and vice versa, complete with all the appropriate parts.

Rose tea:
Gene swap! Makes you a Homo sapien. Completely, utterly, human. Has no effect on humans, unfortunately. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy and glad to be alive, though.

Black tea:
.. Sleep, who needs sleep? Speed talking completely ignoring grammar commas and periods completely optional.

White tea:
Grants X-ray vision. Cures Lemon tea.

Decaf tea:
Turns boys girly, turns girl girlier.

Oolong tea:
The uncontrollable need dance, wherever you go!

Thyme tea:
This tea will calm you down to the point of apathy and sloth. Don't bother leaving bed, it's not even worth it.

Caramel tea:
The uncontrollable need to express everything in the form of a song! It might be a song you already know, or you might find you've got a hidden talent for lyrics!

Milk tea:
Causes the drinker to suffer severe delusions. They might just start to think they're the Queen of England, or a tree, or any number of things. I suggest you take videos for posterity and blackmail.

Green tea:
Have a little respect for your four-legged friends. Turns the drinker into an animal of the mun's choosing.

Jasmine tea:
Makes the drinker wiser. Bear in mind that wise doesn't necessarily mean smart.

Strawberry tea:
Drinkers of this tea can't tell anything but the truth. Cures Mint tea.

Tchai tea:
Causes childish innocence, kindness, love of everything alive. Cures Darjeeling tea.

English breakfast tea:
Ever saw a blushing virgin right before being deflowered? The people that drink this tea will show you how it's done.

Chamomile tea:
Causes uncontrollable hiccups.

Darjeeling tea:
WARNING! Keep away from underaged children. Aftereffects may include: horniness, uncontrollable lust, more horniness, the need to take off clothes, a hoarse sexy voice, sweaty skin. Cures Tchai tea.

[Don't want tea? There's cake and sodas on another table, though there is something rather strange and suspicious about this selection as well. The icing on the cakes reads "EAT ME" and the soda labels are..."DRINK ME"...?]


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