*In his office, looking through the journals after most of the paper work from the rust ordeal has been completed, aside from the wall issue.*
...I believe I need to start looking over the journals a bit closer, and more frequently. It appears I missed the roommate signup. Any chance I can still get in, and somehow get someone switched with Ironhide so that we are in the same room?
...*makes a face, then makes a few private messages*
Hide? Next time, tell me. Where ARE you, anyway? Why aren't you answering comms? *fidgets, a bit upset and worried, and getting ready to comm Prime.*
Sir. Not to add to the worry that has been going around. But Ironhide is nowhere around. There is some odd mock-up in our room, and I believe it is supposed to be a decoy. But it looks nothing like him.
...I hope that you find this information useful. And if there is anything I can do to help look for the others, please contact me. Chances are, a medic will be needed anyway.
*He rubbed his face in worry after hitting enter, seriously concerned. Not only for 'Hide, but for the others as well...*