It's been a crazy winter. Lots going on, and I found myself lost in deep thought more than I care to remember. Trust me, there have been good things, but also things for me to reflect on.
Enough about that. It's Spring!! Trees are blooming, the tulips and daffodils are coming out, and except for the frigid (40-something) weather today, Spring has been glorious.
Today was my first ever
5K! I finished, I didn't die (or even hurt too terribly bad), and I wasn't last place. ;) My time was 49:46.4 doing a walk/jog combo. I was hoping for under 45 minutes, but I'll take under 50. Next time I'm going to work on beating my time, and eventually I want to jog an entire 5K. Heck, maybe I'll do the half-marathon one day. Time will tell...
Update on TV stuffs: I've started watching Life, and absolutely love it. LOVE it. Still watching Lost, as I figure I need to stick it out at this point. I've pretty much given up on Heroes. Gossip Girl is crazy fun as always. I'm curious to see how Biggest Loser turns out. And I've also been watching Dollhouse. I didn't like it much at first, but it's finally starting to come together better. I'll stick it out until Fox cancels it (which given how Fox treats Joss Whedon shows on Friday nights, it won't be long...). Oh, and 24 has been amazingly awesome again this season.
I've got some more travel coming up. Visiting my brother and some friends next weekend, then conferencing and visiting family in Nashville the next week. I love spending Easter with my sister, as it means coloring eggs and watching her hunt them.
Sadly, I won't get to go to the upcoming MLA conference in Honolulu. But I've got a SoCal/Vegas vacation planned for June, so I will get some beach time before too long. :)
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