I got a B on my nutrition final, and I am celebrating with pie and a dollop of whipped irony

May 11, 2011 13:01

I really want a shiny new E Pluribus Anus flag Userpic. Is that too much to ask? I would go hunting for one, but really I'm supposed to be prepping for class tomorrow so that I can get out of here before it rains because I was feeling foolhardy when I left my house yesterday and so don't have a jacket or even anything with long sleeves. Stupid 3/4 length sleeves! I'm inclined to blame the unseasonably nice weather that we've been having for a while and it lulling me into a false sense of security that is now leading to a kick in the teeth!

So it's another afternoon in the law library, living the dream. Unfortunately I am missing half the stuff I need to actually do my work. This is cos the boy has my notes, folder and notepad from last week. He wanted to carry my books the other day (could we be any more high school?!) and so having previously laughed in his face the last time he asked, I thought I'd go for polite and let him carry them. And then when I left to go home I forgot them and so he still has it all! Not ideal.

I really do need to crack on though; we're supposed to be doing a mini presentation for class tomorrow and I haven't even looked at the stuff in order to be able to do any kind of contribution to my group's work!

In other news, the cricket season has kicked off. Unfortunately we started our campaign with a loss to the worst team in the league. I have a worrying and realistic fear that we may in fact be the worst team in the league this year. Not ideal. We've lost our best 2 players to university and lost a couple of the other good players to various other things. This leaves us with a pretty shocking team and not enough bowlers to really get us through a game. Having said that, I'm not going to be down on the team too much yet. I still enjoyed-ish the game on friday, despite the loss. I expect though that if we get trashed every week it'll soon get demoralising.

I wrote the above a couple of hours ago and have since met up with the boy for coffee. Got all my books back and had a good hang out. Now I have no excuse not to be getting on with work, especially as I really want to be leaving law school in 2 hours time. Must crack on!

cricket, law school, boys, community

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