Special, like ‘Stop eating the paste’, special

Aug 12, 2008 12:07

So it's been a while, I've been on LJ hiatus. Honestly, I've just been kinda lazy! No real shocks there. Still not really feeling the enthusiasm for posting, but as LJ says it's been 6 days since I last posted, I thought I'd better at least fake enthusiasm.

Not much going on really. I guess I've had a busy couple of days, though nothing really exciting. Thursday evening I was out with my brother and some mates and got very drunk. Friday I spent most of the day as a zombie wandering around work with a hangover. In the evening I played cricket, which wasn't all that cunning. I finally broke through the 100 runs barrier, and now have 104 for the season. Woooo!

Saturday, I went shopping in the morning with our spanish student and then went to my auntie's house in the afternoon and on to London in the evening for my friend's birthday party at their house. It was ok, but I wasn't really feeling the drinking, so I only had 2 beers. We played pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey and twister. It was a good laugh, tho her university friends are kinda puerile and a bit annoying.

Sunday I came home and sat around doing not very much. Yesterday I was at a training day for work, to teach us about project management. It was interesting, but not all that relevant.

I have been making an effort to get back into BS, as various people here on LJ have been trying to breathe some life back into that place. I also spent the morning attempting to help my mum be on facebook. It hasn't gone all that well so far, but she's getting there!

I've been on a bit of a Gilmore Girls kick at the moment. I started a marathon way back when, and have continued that and been speeding through. I'm way up into season 5 now.

gilmore girls, weekly update

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