My response to Celticflicka's Meme.

Nov 18, 2009 10:21

celticflicka tagged me:

I tag vanessagalore, xlmoruc, zaftig_darling, annie oakley, Regeneration, eleri cat, tortiecat 86.

What sleeps next to you?
My husband or occasional child.

What did you last eat?
Porridge for breakfast.

What kind of books do you like?
I like historical books and I like Supernatural books.

What are you reading at the now?
Storm Born by Richelle Mead and Armageddon by Max Hastings.

If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
I would love to be in India.

What's really creepy?
Being stranded on a dark isolated stretch of road with no mobile phone service.

Name one odd item within 5 feet of you.
A home made card from my son made with dried painted pasta and feathers.

Whats your current fandom/obsession/addiction.
Flashforward and Kelly Armstrongs Women of the Otherworld books.

What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Use the left over cooking liquid from a chicken casserole dish to make a soup

What are you most excited for?
My birthday, I am going away to a posh hotel for the night with my hubbie without the kids of course!

Which websites do you always visit when you are online?
Greys gabble, LJ, thebluewhalepub, Spoiler TV.

If you could have any pet what would it be?
A cat but one that isn't as neurotic as ours.

What do you want this minute, off the top of your head?
A wee.

Where is the place you like to return to, to calm down?
West Wales, where Cardigan Estuary meets the Sea.

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll centre of a Tootsie Pop?
I have no idea, we don't have those in the UK.

Are there any bits of your childhood that you miss?
The fact that it always seemed to be Sunny in my childhood memories.

Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer?

Say something to the person who tagged you.
Bore da Celtic Flicka, I hope I have done this right, I have no idea what a Meme is to be honest!!

flist, me, celtic flicka meme

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