Nov 20, 2007 14:46

((All editing is done by Wright a.k.a Silver so thank her~ This was A LOT OF FUN ALSO.))

Wright: *sits at the desk at his apartment late at night-it's not late enough for it to be early morning, but it's late enough that he has already put Trucy to bed. He sits slightly hunched over, with his elbows on the desk, fingers interlaced and his head resting on top, deep in some sort of thought*
Maya: *sits on a bench near her favorite burger joint, remembering the times her and Mia used to hang out. She pulls out her Steel Samurai themed phone and dials a familiar friend's number*
Wright: *his jacket pocket vibrates and hums out a catchy Steel Samurai tune. He checks the caller, and seems slightly surprised at the name--though not very. He picks it up*
Wright: Hey, Maya.
Wright: Still up tonight?
Maya: Oh, hey Nick.
Maya: I'm still up. I was wondering if you wanted to go for some burgers tonight.
Wright: At this time of night? *chuckles* That seems just like you.
Wright: *glances at his watch, and seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking*
Wright: Well... I do want to talk with you alone, and I put Trucy to sleep a few hours ago...
Wright: Sure, I'll meet you there. Same place?
Maya: Yep!
Maya: Thanks Nick, I haven't had a good burger in forever!
Wright: No problem. See you there.
Wright: *hits disconnect*
Maya: *disconnects soon after*
Wright: *runs a hand through his hair rather vainly, straightening out the hair spikes that have begun to droop due to the late hour. He heads over to the bedroom to make sure Trucy is fast asleep in her bed, then grabs his shoes and heads out the door*
Wright: *jogs over to the burger place, trying to think up exactly what to say, and in which order, and how much. He frowns slightly in concentration as he reaches the front of the burger joint*
Maya: *looks up to see Nick*
Maya: Hey Nick!
Maya: What took you so long? You're as slow as ever.
Wright: Huh! Oh! Maya. ...What do you mean 'slow'!? I practically ran over!
Maya: *laughs*
Maya: Shouldn't you have a car by now, Nick?
Maya: What, you're like forty now, right?
Wright: ... I'm only twenty seven! And... no, I haven't gotten a driver's license yet...
Wright: *slightly grumpily* Let's... just go eat, okay?
Maya: Alright. You better be ready Nick, it feels like ages since I've eaten this good!
Wright: *sweats visibly*
Wright: Remember, I'm on a budget...
Wright: *opens the door for them, and heads on in*
Maya: *rushes in and sits herself down, waiting for Nick to get the food*
Maya: Well, don't leave a beautiful woman waiting, Nick!
Maya: *smiles*
Wright: *waves to the person behind the serving counter, who seems well familiarized with the two figures; the guy nods, and runs to the kitchen to immediately prepare... who knows how many sets of burgers*
Wright: *heads on over to the table, smirking quite cockily*
Wright: Beautiful women? Where?!
Wright: *the server arrives seconds afterwards, already carrying two plates of burgers*
Maya: *puffs up, taking a burger and purposefully ignoring the comment*
Wright: *chuckles a bit, smiling earnestly, and takes a burger*
Maya: Anyways!
Maya: *changes the subject*
Wright: *looks slightly--no, greatly reluctant for a moment, but then grins*
Wright: ...H-how's the burger?
Maya: Really good!
Maya: I swear they get better every day.
Wright: Well, you haven't had them for a while!
Wright: *prods at his burger, then decides to take a bite*
Maya: Hey Nick...
Maya: About yesterday, when you said some stuff happened...
Wright: Huh?
Wright: ...Oh, right.
Maya: And I sorta noticed you're not wearing your badge anymore.
Maya: *puts her burger down for a second*
Wright: .....
Wright: ...You noticed that, huh?
Wright: (Well, I guess she would...)
Maya: Well, yeah! You're always flashing that around during your cases!
Wright: ... Well... I can't, anymore.
Maya: What do you mean, Nick?
Wright: It's... a long story.
Wright: Basically...
Wright: I lost my badge. After a trial a few months ago.
Wright: *stares rather intently at the salt shaker on the table*
Maya: No way! After the trial with Iris?
Wright: Just a few weeks after that. I took on another case.
Wright: After you and Pearls left, that is.
Maya: Yeah...
Maya: What happened?
Wright: There wasn't much time to prepare, and I submitted a piece of evidence that was faulty. ...Like an idiot.
Maya: F-Faulty?
Wright: Forged.
Wright: N-not by me, of course!
Wright: But I didn't check it over, and it came up during the trial...
Wright: The prosecutor seemed to know about it before I even presented it, too.
Wright: *frowns at that*
Maya: That's strange...
Wright: I'm still not clear on how it all went down.
Wright: *shifts in his seat*
Wright: Anyway, there was a hearing afterwards, about the forgery. I was disbarred, and... well, lost my badge.
Wright: Trucy came some weeks after that...
Maya: *messes with the bun of her burger...*
Wright: --she was the daughter of my last client, that is, who disappeared...--
Wright: ...and that's it. *sighs*
Maya: And here I thought you and Mia had something.
Wright: Now you know why the office... isn't exactly the office, any------
Wright: WAIT, WHAT!?
Maya: *frowns*
Maya: ...
Maya: Did I say that out loud?
Maya: *giggles*
Wright: *stares at her alarmingly, then incredulously, then angrily, and then he starts laughing*
Wright: ...Sorry, Maya. I think I needed that.
Maya: Good, because you can't let this get you down!
Maya: I mean you haven't lost ever--wait I think you have lost everything.
Maya: But still!
Wright: ......
Wright: *shakes his head*
Wright: I haven't lost everything. I've still got you and Pearls... and Edgeworth-- and Larry--... and now I've got Trucy, too.
Wright: And I'm trying to get to the bottom of this mess.
Maya: Y-Yeah!
Wright: *looks off into space, thinking for a moment*
Maya: *sighs*
Wright: I'm still doing some investigation. It's... not leading anywhere, yet. But--
Maya: I'm sorry Nick.
Wright: *looks at her*
Wright: Are you okay?
Maya: W-Well.
Maya: *hesitates*
Maya: I mean this happened after me and Pearly left so...
Wright: So...?
Wright: *looks confused*
Maya: I feel like this is sorta my fault...
Wright: ......
Wright: You can't be serious, Maya.
Maya: What do you mean?
Wright: It had nothing to do with whether or not you were there during the trial or the hearing afterward.
Wright: In fact... I'm rather relieved you weren't.
Wright: And Pearls...
Maya: I don't think she would have taken this well...
Maya: I wonder how she'll react when she finds out about this.
Wright: ......
Wright: It's difficult telling you, as it is.
Wright: *rubs the back of his neck*
Wright: I don't suppose you could keep it from her, for a little while...?
Maya: Don't worry! I'll keep it a secret.
Maya: For a little while.
Maya: I mean, remember after the trail with Iris?
Maya: She took my mother's death pretty hard...
Wright: Y-yeah...
Wright: *looks intently at her*
Wright: Don't tell her right now.
Maya: I won't.
Maya: Promise.
Wright: *nods*
Wright: I don't even know if she'd understand why...
Maya: I think she'd want to beat up the prosecutor...
Maya: *laughs*
Wright: *smiles slightly, but then looks serious again*
Wright: At any rate... I wanted to tell you this, even though it's... not easy.
Wright: There's the possibility that whoever did this is still out there-- actually, that's the most likely possibility.
Maya: You'll find whoever did this Nick, I know you will!
Maya: *stands up valiantly, almost knocking over her plate of burgers*
Wright: *nods*
Wright: But... I don't know if I'm getting paranoid. Sometimes I get the feeling as though I'm being watched...
Wright: And...
Wright: I want you and Pearls to be careful.
Wright: And to not get too involved in this.
Wright: ... I don't want anything like what happened in Hazakura to occur again.
Maya: Don't worry. You can count on us! We're stronger then we look, you know.
Maya: *pretends to flex her arms*
Wright: *smiles slightly, again*
Wright: I know.
Wright: If they were targeting me, and not just my client, though...
Maya: And I know we have my Mother and Sis with us, so we'll find out who did this!
Wright: ...
Wright: Mia...
Wright: ...Don't tell her yet either, okay?
Wright: Please.
Maya: Alright, but I don't know how long you can keep that a secret from her.
Wright: *nods*
Maya: She is pretty good at finding stuff out, you know.
Wright: She is.
Wright: *looks pained*
Wright: ...
Wright: A-anyway...
Wright: I hope I didn't spoil that burger.
Maya: *snaps out of her staring*
Maya: H-Huh?
Maya: No, Nick!
Maya: There's never a 'bad burger' with Maya!
Wright: Eat up!
Maya: *quickly chows down*
Wright: *eats slowly, watching her*
Wright: I think the server's expecting you to have quite a few more...
Maya: Mmm, definitely!
Maya: *takes bite after bite of her nearly endless pile of burgers as they arrive*
Wright: *after a while starts mumbling about the bill and such, but seems much more relieved*
Wright: *glances at his watch a little while later, noting the time*
Wright: I better head back. I don't feel too comfortable leaving Trucy alone for too long...
Maya: O-Oh yeah!
Maya: I don't know if I'll get used to you having a 'daughter'...
Wright: *grins*
Wright: I don't seem like the type?
Maya: Nope!
Maya: I'd say you're more of the loner type.
Maya: *giggles to herself*
Wright: ........ Loner?
Wright: So you've doomed me to a solitary life, huh?
Wright: *makes a face*
Maya: ...
Maya: Well!
Maya: I think I better get going!
Maya: *grabs the last burger on her plate*
Wright: ...
Wright: *grumbles--but good naturedly, and goes to pay the bill*
Maya: *looks sad*
Wright: *heads on back to the table, placing his wallet back into his pocket*
Wright: Well, you've certainly hit me with a---!
Wright: M-maya! What is it?!
Maya: ...
Maya: I was wondering if you were going to eat that last burger!
Maya: I can't believe you'd waste a burger.
Wright: ......
Wright: *realizes that he has in fact left a half eaten burger there on the plate*
Wright: ...O-oh, no, go ahead.
Maya: *snatches said burger*
Maya: Don't be so jumpy, Nick! It's not good for your health.
Maya: What are you, forty?
Wright: Heh. I guess--- TWENTY SEVEN!
Maya: Yeah, yeah.
Wright: ... I'll try not to jump too much. But it's a little hard with you always keeping me on edge!
Maya: I try, Nick! You gotta be ready for anything!
Wright: So you're training me, huh?
Maya: You betcha! You think me and Pearly would be the only ones training?
Wright: Well, to be a spirit medium... yes. (I'm not exactly cut out for that kind of work...!)
Maya: It's not as much as one of your trials Nick!
Wright: ... Well. I don't suppose it would be.
Wright: *smiles, and nods at the door*
Wright: Ready to head out?
Maya: Yep!
Maya: W-Wait...
Maya: I just remembered...
Wright: H-huh?
Maya: Where am I going to stay for tonight?!
Wright: .....
Wright: .......
Wright: ...
Wright: You came over here... in the middle of the night... without arranging a place to stay?!
Maya: Well...yeah!
Maya: I thought I could get back...
Wright: ...To Kurain!?
Maya: But I found out the train doesn't run at night...
Wright: ...Right.
Wright: Do you want to stay over?
Maya: *gets teary eyed*
Maya: Would I ever, Nick!
Maya: *steps outside*
Maya: Hey Nick!
Wright: What is it?
Wright: *heads on out along with her*
Maya: I'll race you home!
Maya: *starts running down the street*
Wright: ...
Wright: *obliges after a moment, chasing after her*
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