After seeing the news this morning about
Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize (along with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but how many people can name one of them), my first thought was: "Wow, more than a few people are going to have a fit over this." Heh, I'm so mature. I blame all of those foul-mouthed liberal bloggers I've been reading.
And then my trivia-loving side kicked in: Al Gore is the first former US Vice President, who never served as President, to win the Nobel Peace Prize. How many of my smart flisters can name the US Presidents who have won the same prize? Without looking it up, of course.
(Update: John Berlau at The American Thinker is
Looking at Gore's writing, it's far from clear that Gore even believes that humanity is his most important priority.
Yes, it's shocking but true: There are actually people who think that the needs of the human species must be balanced with the needs of the millions of other species with whom we share the earth.
And yes, I do try to avoid ending sentences with prepositions. Thanks for noticing.)