Michael Moore's
Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives, while faintly tongue-in-cheek in places, is a pretty good expression of liberal values. Liberals, at the best of times anyway, want what is best for the entire public... not just white people, English speakers, men, people who make over $50K a year; for that matter, not just Americans. Again, at the best of times.
Windycon (last weekend) was OK, if not great.
The room parties were fairly few, but I didn't have time to go to that many because of attending Phil Friedman's memorial and seeing a couple of late movies.
missharon stayed up partying much later than me, but was zonked for much of Sunday. We're neither of us spring chickens any more. I went to a couple of mildly interesting panel discussions, and had a conversation by chance with Peter B. Gillis and Roland Green. I mentioned that I'd read one of the Janissaries novels that Roland wrote with Jerry Pournelle, and Roland was very polite about the political differences he had with Pournelle. Peter was less so. This was about as political as any discussions got that weekend; strange, considering the recent election.
This weekend was perhaps only notable because it's my 20th Windycon. I've been at this for two decades; my first SF con was Windy 13 in 1986. That year Harry Harrison was the author GOH, and Fred Pohl was a lot more ambulatory. Star Trek: TNG was not yet on the air, and Joss Whedon was still in college. Ronald Reagan was president, and the political scandal of the day was Iran-Contra. The Macintosh computer was only two years old, and most people had never heard of the Internet. Damn, I'm old. But still pretty spry.