(no subject)

Feb 05, 2006 02:43

so its been a year almost since i took this survey and i kind of want to again. just to take stock.
no one reads this anyways.

Ten Things I Miss...
10. going to school. so shoot me, its lonely when you are kicked out.
9. my parents not knowing anything about me.
8. thinking writing, i plead the fifth meant anything except for yes, i do.
7. being a virgin.
6. hating people.
5. thinking crying was ok.
4. thinking overinvolvement was ok.
3. having dreams about the future, more than, get a job and the fuck away from my parents.
2. thinking the OC was a good show.
1. watching almost famous repeatedly and just bawling.

Nine Things I Hate...
9. being a minor
8. the law
7. getting caught
6. mental hospitals
5. caring adults
4. apologizing
3. familial love
2. not being able to drive or owning a car
1. being vegetarian

Eight Things I Love...
8. that i can sing
7. everyone who makes me happy
6. the three weeks i spent at wangs before the feces hit the rotating device, so to speak
5. last summer
4. the art museum
3. tasteless jokes
2. dominic the dishwasher
1. my ipod, aka montezuma, the negropod

Seven Things I Remember...
7. my pretend wedding with matt
6. not being allowed to see titanic
5. masterman
4. the first time i tasted vodka, starbucks, england, 8th grade, bad move, i get it
3. the art museum
2. losing my virginty
1. getting dragged to an institution by my parents

Six Things I Want To Do Eventually...
6. figure out how to turn 18 tomorrow
5. be self sufficient
4. be a better artist
3. be the front woman for a good band
2. drive a porsche
1. not grow old

Five Songs I Can Hear Over And Over
5. cakewalk in to town- taj mahal
4. obnoxious- immortal technique
3. dont forget me- red hot chilli peppers
2. seed 2.0- the roots
1. iris- the goo goo dolls

Four Words That Describe Me...
4. my parents would call me "liar"
3. my friends would call me "honest"
2. my teachers would call me "bright"
1. my boyfriend would call me "beautiful"
id say that they are all pretty true
i however would go with
4. nymphomaniacal
3. good
2. brilliant
1. hedonistic

Three Things I Want To Change...
3. my age
2. my parents
1. my place of residence
...fat chance

Two People I Want To Disappear...
2. my mom, but id like her to go somewhere nice. like martinique. and i want her to have an endless supply of mojitos and massages and interesting books, so she can relax and one day return to my life, happy and refreshed.
1. my dad. and he should go somewhere great too. like iraq. or maybe saudi arabia. or the west bank. wearing a jewish star, and a sign which says kick me, im jewish. (joking. mostly.)

One Thing I Want...
1. everything (haha stole it from gossip girl- I HAVE CLASS)
i mean its a response i cant top.

and now for survey number two

Have you ever...

[x ] stolen something?
[x] lied to your lover? not wang.
[x] lied to your friends?
[X] kissed the same sex?
[X] cheated on your lover? (not wang)
[sort of] been in a fist fight?
[X] had a crush online?
[x] did anything sexual in public?
[X] gotten drunk?
[X] smoked pot?
[X] bought an illegal drug?
[X] got it up the butt? (no point in lying)
[X] been in love?
[ ] made yourself throw up on purpose?
[x] had someone tell you they like you and not show it?
[x] have someone tell you they love you and prove themself wrong?
[x] backstabbed a friend?
[x] had a friend backstab you?
[x] liked someone just for looks?
[x] liked someone just for personality?
[x] jumped and screamed through a scary movie?
[x] peed yourself?
[x] been in the principal's office?
[X] laughed so hard you pissed yourself?
[x- haha i was about to say no...whoops] thrown up infront of people?
[X] threw up on someone?
[x] spilled a drink at a restaurant?
[X] downloaded porn?
[x] looked through a porn magazine?
[x] read sex tips in fashion magazines?
[ ] shot up heroin?
[ ] snorted coke?
[x] taken pills?
[X] regreted any of it?
[x] liked someone who wasn't single?
[x] kissed someone who wasn't single?
[x] liked your friend's mate?
[x] been to a psychologist?
[x] been to a dermatologist?
[x] had a blood test?
[x] had an infection?
[x] had the flu?
[ ] broken a bone?
[x] sprained a muscle?
[x] lied to your parents?
[x] snuck out at night?
[ ] snuck someone in at night?
[X] got caught?
[x] been to a concert?
[x] been to a club underage?
[x] been obsessed with someone?
[x] had someone become obsessed over you?
[x] questioned your faith?
[ ] ever had an orgy?
[x..xxxxxxx] ever had an orgasm?
[x] ever cut yourself?
[x] cried alone?
[x] cried on someone's shoulder
[ ] tried commiting suicide?
[x] thought about commiting suicide?
[ ] burned yourself purposely?
[x] been to a church?
[x] said a prayer?
[x] been angry at God?
[x] felt depressed?
[x] felt used?
[x] been out of state?
[x] to Europe?
[x] out of the country?
[x] been to an island?
[ ] been beaten by your parents?
[ ] had someone very close to you die?
[x] had someone you know die?
[x] got hit with a bottle over the head?
[probably] been taken advantage of in any way when you were drunk?
[ ] had your boyfriend/girlfriend yell and/or embaress you in public?
[x] been slapped by the opposite sex?
[x-walkers a beast yo] been punched by the opposite sex?
[x] hit the opposite sex?
[ ] killed someone?
[x] ever eaten pumpkin pie?
[x] celebrated halloween?
[x] not celebrated halloween?
[x] had your heart broken?
[x] had someone from the opposite sex become infatuated with you?
[X] been fisted?
[ ] been fucked with a toy?
[x] had a surprise party?
[X] got a birthday gift from a boyfriend/girlfriend?
[x] got a birthday gift from a friend?
[x] talked about sex with the opposite sex?
[x] talked about sex with the same sex?
[x] believe in premarital sex?
[ ] do not believe in premarital sex?
[yes] want to get married?
[maybe] want to have kids?
[ ] want to get drunk right now?
[ ] want to smoke pot right now?
[wants not really the question for these, i start rehab next week] want to get wasted right now?
[X] wanted to model?
[x] wanted to be a lawyer?
[ ] wanted to be a doctor?
[X] wanted to be an actress?
[X] wanted to be a business owner?
[x] wanted to be a photographer?
[ ] had a craving for sushi?
[x] had a craving for chocolate?
[x] starved yourself?
[x] stopped eating, unintentionally?
[ ] ate a worm?
[im sure i have] swallowed a fly?
[x] held hands with your friend of the same sex in public?
[x] held hands with a friend in general?
[x] lead someone on, purposely?
[x] been lead on ?
[x] used someone?
[x] truly hated someone?
[x] disliked someone?
[x] been a hypocrite to someone?
[x] been friends with hypocrites?
[X] gone out with someone younger than you?
[x!!] LOVE this survey? waste of my life but thats ok procrastinations amazing

so how many nos?
basically i never
1. made myself throw up on purpose, although i tried once.
2. shot up heroin
3. snorted coke
4. broke a bone
5. snuck someone into my house (although i have been snuck in? to better houses....)
6. had an orgy (i dont know why not, i have actually come close to that a few times too, yoavs, fest...)
7. tried to kill myself (although i have accidentally almost done it a couple times)
8. been beaten by my parents (my dad used to spank and restrain me though)
9. had someone close to me die
10. had my other embarrass me by yelling at me in public (although i have been embarrassed. read my lightweight ex.)
11. killed someone
12. not believed in premarital sex
13. craved sushi
14. or ate a worm

see mom, im not out of control.
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