(no subject)

Mar 23, 2004 21:37

Strong in mind or strong body :45% body. 55% mind
Cats or dogs : dogs
Mac or PC : PC
One pillow or two : two
Coke or Pepsi : uh… I don’t like soda
Turkey or chicken : I’m a vegetarian
Coffee or tea : occasionally tea
Optimist or pessimist : pessimist
High school : last year - north gwinnett, this year - hell
What did you do yesterday? : slept, slept, listened to music, slept, played guitar, slept, slept
Happiest moment(s) : ummmmmmmm… don’t remember
Saddest moment(s) : uh... None of your damn business

Occupation : hobo
Number of kids : 3 dead ones. 1 alive.
Names: umm… ?

Smoked a cigarette : yes
Smoked marijuana : yes
Drank : yes
Been Arrested : ummmm does a warning count

You could build your house anywhere, where would it be? : in hell
If you could play any instrument well, what would it be?: drums, guitar
You could have one super power, what would it be??: mind reading
You were a crayon, what color would you be? : black
You had (have) a tattoo, what would it be? : My puppy's name in Japanese calligraphy, and a dragon
You could change one thing about the world, what would it be? : I would make everyone spontaneously combust

Sit down and eat restaurant : I don’t like restaurants
Fast food restaurant : see above
Food (appetizer) : food makes me even fatter than I already am
Food (entre) : see above
Food (dessert) : see above
Flavor Kool-aid : ummm…?
Drink (non-alcohol) : water
Drink (alcohol) : Selbach Piesporter Goldtroepfchen Riesling Auslese (aka Riesling wine)
Ice cream : I don’t like ice cream
Toothpaste : ummmmmm I don’t know
Day of the week : none
Holiday : teacher workdays
Season : none
Weather : stormy
Least favorite household chore : damn vacuums.
Place to be massaged : XXXXXX

Been on a plane?? yes
Cried in public? Kinda… it’s complicated
Climbed a tree? yes
Fallen asleep in a movie theater? I don’t remember any movie theaters
Met a celebrity? no
Been scared to get shot?? no
Had an on-line relationship? no
Said "I love you" and meant it? I don’t believe in love
Made prank phone calls? Don’t remember
Skipped school?? no
Gone to a theme park and checked out all the hotties? uh. no. "checked out all the hotties..." haha

How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup? normally
What is on your mouse pad? Some stupid shit
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?? That’s a really stupid question

is your bestfriend? Shogun (<-- my puppy)
is the nicest? bulll-shit
is Someone you care about: Shogun
is crackheadest you know: XXXXXX
is The funniest you know: uh. a few...
is the one that cheers you up the most: Shogun
makes you happy: Shogun
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