Aug 05, 2006 14:25
Well as I set off for vacation, after my forty some odd hour work week this week, I am currently sitting in a Dayton Airport terminal waiting for my flight, and recalling what other people have said about this album on places such as I figured I would give my $.02 worth. Angels & Airwaves' album, We Don't Need to Whisper, is definitely an awesome album. Tom DeLonge's vocal performance is perhaps the most remarkable part of this cd, as it is incredible. I have never heard him sing so well, nor have his lyrics and songwriting been better. The lyrics for "Do It For Me Now" are haunting, and the spacey reverb guitar, combined with the very tasteful synth creates an incredible blur of electronica and thick reverb guitar fuzz. I give it an A-, because not all of these songs are up to par with the first five and the last one, but it is still a good album because of the first five.
Also want to tell you about these crazy guys named Girl Talk because these guys are freaking fantastic. Their specialty are mash ups, where they combine beats, licks, riffs, vocals, etc from random other bands to create entirely new creations. This stuff is amazing.
By the way, I just saw a stand selling "The Little Pink Tool Kit" in the airport here in Charlotte, N.C. I'm sorry, but that has to be one of the stupidest things I have seen. Hey, I bet you can carry that on with you.