(no subject)

May 22, 2011 12:07

So last night diner and I went to El Rey to see 100 Monkeys. As you can tell from the above pic, my pictures did not turn out well. They were either way too dark or way too blurry and the one I used for that banner was the "best" of the bunch. So no pics from this concert to share with you guys. I so sad. :(

Anyhoo, let me start things off with when diner and I went outside to smoke (well, she smoked and I just stood around). We were in the fenced-off part of the entrance when who do we see strolling up? I was like "Is that...?" and diner was like "Yup..." and I was like "Oh hale no..." It was Ashley Greene and one her minions (not the blonde one that she's photographed with like all the time, this was a new one I think). I guess I almost didn't recognize her because she wasn't followed by the usual amount of paparazzi that she calls herself. OH SNAP!

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw Lindsey Shaw in the smoke area too. I'm like 75-80% sure it was her. Either that or it was her evil twin sister.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention when we first arrived, we got drinks and were standing around for one of the opening bands to play. I thought I was standing next to the one person I didn't want to be standing next to on the day the Rapture was supposed to happen. Fucking Paul McDonald. I hate that douchebag mo-fo with such a burning passion. I'm not a Nikki fan but really, she deserves better than that sycophant leech. But...now that I look back on it, it might have not been him and I was hating on some random guy for no good reason other than looking like Paul McDonald. Lulz.

100 Monkeys came onstage and it was awesome. They were only on for about an hour though before leaving the stage so that Sycophant Leech could get some please-love-me-because-I'm-dating-one-of-the-Cullens-and-you-guys-like-Twilight-right? time. He played a couple of songs and he isn't half bad but I still don't like him. I think I liked his saxophone playing partner better (he knew how to play "Careless Whisper" - that's an automatic like in my book). Did I mention how tight Sycophant Leech's pants were? Did I also mention how it looked like his balls were crushed up because his pants were just that tight? Somebody hand me a pair of chopsticks so I can poke my eyes out.

Nikki was in the front row. I only knew this because Sycophant Leech said "Say hello to my lady friend" (or something like that) and she waved. She also had this really tall black man standing right next to her - he really stood out like a sore thumb in that crowd - who I'm assuming was her "protection" against rabid American Idol fans, I guess. Ho-kay then.

100 Monkeys and Sycophant Leech sang a song together and finally he left the stage. Praise Jesus!

100 Monkeys played another hour and seriously, they played like all the songs I didn't think they would ever play live: "Poison Oak" "Looker" "Junkie" "Reaper" And of course they played all the old favorites: "Wings On Fire" "Orson Brawl" "Ugly Girl" "The Monkey Song" They played a few songs from their new CD too and it sounds rad. I can't wait for it to leak! LOL! JK!

Jackson sang the improv song and it was called "Magic Hands". The way he danced to this... HOMG. If I could describe it in words, it was like a mix between Mick Jagger and Iggy Pop and Napoleon Dynamite. White boys dancing always makes me lulz.

TYFYT! Now play me off, piano cat!

celebrity nonsightings, concert, 100 monkeys

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