(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 18:02

GAH! I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow! I'll definitely miss the city - but I guess on the plus side, I won't have to sleep on the couch anymore or hear the damn traffic like all the frickin' time.

Today I just went wandering on 5th avenue and I did go to Dylan's Candy Bar. What a load of disappointment that store was. I thought it was going to be a lot larger than it was and OMG, why was everything so overpriced? $13 per pound for candy? No thanks. It was so ridiculous. I did buy a chocolate bar but only because I walked all the way over there and I didn't want to walk out empty-handed, you know?

I also went into (against my better judgment) FAO Schwarz. I am so glad they stopped playing that stupid ass song 'Welcome to Our World of Toys' - serious crime against humanity is what that song was. Anyhoo, I wandered around the store, saw some cute things, saw some annoying things (is it really necessary to get your picture taken with a Lego Chewbacca?), saw some employees who looked like they wanted to kill themselves, bought a small tin of hot mints in the shape of a Devil!Hello Kitty, and walked out.

I wished I had taken pictures of the Bergdorf Goodman windows. They had displays of The Fantastic Mr Fox! It was so cool! Definitely better than the Macy's windows. Check it out if you're going to be here soon.

And that's that.

My flight is at 11:30 tomorrow morning so I won't be able to squeeze in anything else.

I'll miss you, NYC! Hope I'll see you again soon! (ノへ^)

new york new york

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