Sep 01, 2006 21:37
A phrase that I am presumably going to have to get used to, since anymore a bachelor degree means didly.
Ah well, I'm over it. Something will come along when it is time.
In the mean time I like to spend my free time filling out applications and hounding secretarties at companies that I want to get into. Ahhh a perfect end to a perfect summer.
My life isn't too terrible though, I have a place to live and that's all that matters thus far.
I really haven't updated this thing, but I'm not sure why. As it's been stated so many times before, venting my most personal thoughts to complete strangers on the internet is the best form of therapy out there. You can't judge me any more than I am judging you.
I have recently found out that I am rather naive and way to trusting of people. I guess I gotta knock off all that trusting noise.
Am I the only person who gets curious/bored and googles things? Yeah, that has been my new thing lately, who knew?
I'm running low on things to talk about for now since I'm so mad at myself that I can hardley breathe.