well i was so impressed with how i reinterpreted "back home"... that i wanted to go back and get my two poems i wrote a couple of years ago in terzanelle and villanelle style and reinterpret them and see how well they turn out... here is part one...
Be steadfast, hold tight and break the chains
Allow the mind not to be captured
Go for broke even when the mistake remains
Because no denial could ever take the pain
The unity of the soul must never be raptured
Be steadfast, hold tight and break the chains
How could you ever forsake my name
A healing of the depths must be mastered
Go for broke even when the mistake remains
Even when chaos shakes the plains
The memory of centuries forever plastered
Be steadfast, hold tight and break the chains
Keep your eyes on the prize, not a lake of flames
Pray for the chance that corruption is captured
Go for broke even when the mistake remains
Arise! Let your mind forever shake the shame
Ignore the ideals that cause disaster
Be steadfast, hold tight and break the chains
Go for broke even when the mistake remains
© J. Stewart