Книга о красителях - около 1450 г.
Göttinger Musterbuch - Pergamenthandschrift, um 1450
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http://www.paulinerkirche-goettingen.de/Jikji_Exponate_SUB.pdf О книге:
http://www.gutenbergdigital.de/gudi/eframes/texte/framere/mubu_1.htmhttp://www.gutenbergdigital.de/gudi/eframes/texte/framere/mubu_2.htm The Göttingen Model Book - страницы:
http://www.gutenbergdigital.de/gudi/eframes/mubu/mubumain.htm Фрагмент (на современом англ. яз.)
"The dark brown or dark red make thus: Take half an ounce of brazilwood, grated or beaten, and put it into a stone jar. that the brazilwood fills half the jar; and then take strong lye and warm it, that it is lukewarm, and pour the lye over the brazilwood, the width of a finger, and stir it well; and take..."