May 09, 2008 16:30
I just went and had another scout at the abandoned house that I was considering squatting in, but apparently the owners live next door and aren't very friendly, because they came in and asked me to leave and refused to talk to me. So I doubt they are open to informal arrangements regarding an informal tenancy.
Apparently there are 120,000 empty houses in Sydney at the same time as there is apparently a housing shortage. Why are people leaving their properties empty? I don't understand.
So it seems I'm going to be enslaved by rentland for a little while longer, because it doesn't look like that place is very suitable.
My other main achievement of today was to write a 5000 word affidavit attacking my father. Not a good feeling to have to do something like that, but I did it in response to an affidavit he wrote in which he repeatedly lied about me, my mother, and my grandparents.
I know it sucks to bad mouth your own father, but I really can't believe I'm related to him. I know he's almost certainly mentally ill, but knowing that doesn't make it any easier to deal with the fact that he has been a complete fuckwit for the past two years, and prior to that, a partial fuckwit.
I'm angry at him for so many things, like the way he refused to respect any of my decisions regarding university or my girlfriend and how he now refuses to even know about them, and at how badly he has treated my mother for the past 25 or so years, at how fucking tightarsed he is so that when he got free rent for 20 years he doesn't even feel grateful about it, or how he is now attempting to claim half of my families property. But most of all I'm just sad that I've essentially lost a father, flaw as he was.
I act pretty nonchalant about it most of the time, and I guess its been a gradual enough descent into this madness that it didn't come as a surprise, and I all but saw it coming. But it still brings tears to my eyes occasionally...