1. Schu
2. Renji
3. Ritsuka
4. Ishida
5. Brad
6. Yuki
7. Mello
8. Shuichi
9. Tamaki
10. Ryuichi
11. Kaoru
12. Yohji
13. Ken
14. L
15 Hiro
3, 15 and...10 are frolicking naked through a field..of barley. Who stops in a vain attempt to make alcohol? [
Ritsuka, Hiro and Ryuichi? :D :D :D
In answer to the question: Kumagoro. Technically not listed in the character list, but still. Ryuichi is. And it's basically the same. Ryuichi would use Kumagoro as a cover for his behaviour, and- and...
You know that if that was happening, Soubi would be lurking somewhere. Possibly with binoculars.
1 and 14 go on a date. Where do they go/what do they do? [
Schuldig and L?
... L sure has a thing for psychopaths.
They'd go to an ice cream bar. Or a sweet shop. Or anywhere with a chocolate fountain where Mello would also be found, and whee! party!. As long as there was sweet food, L would be happy. And Schu would be happy as long as he had a vaguely attractive something to leer at.
2, 7, and 11 end up in jail. What did they do? [
Renji, Mello and Kaoru.
Renji... Renji did something to upset Byakuya. Again. Or he bitched at Rukia, and it's not so much jail, as imprisonment. And possibly humiliation-as-revenge.
Mello. Well, being Mafia-boy should be enough, surely. But then, he'd have to be caught, which, of course, he wasn't (really). And being so clever and all, I'd have to deduce that it would be some stepping stone in some kind of a plan. Either that, or he was strapped for cash, but REALLY WANTED CHOCOLATE so badly he forgot to be subtle in his theft.
Kaoru. Incest. Duh. :D But what happened to Hikaru, eh?
5, 9, 13 are...i dunno, buying some pets, what would they be, and what would they call them.. [
Brad, Tamaki and Ken...
Brad. Brad would not buy a pet. He has Schuldig.
Tamaki has his dog, of course. The one he bought at the expo.
Ken would buy a sickenly cute Abyssinian kitten and name it something completely unobvious, like Maya.
This amused me more than it should have.
And I have a serious problem with fictional characters who aren't mine. Because I mould them into my own ideals, and. Seriously. L and Mello having a party in a chocolate fountain? Never going to happen.
Sometimes I forget the world is not as crack as my mind. :D