True Blood, reactions:

Aug 06, 2009 13:30

Oh True Blood. I had sort of expected you to be just a bit more, um, subtle. Carnivale was layers upon layers of foreshadowing and deeper meaning, to the point where I'm still not sure exactly what the hell was going on. (Of course, they were canceled before they could come out and tell us, but still.) But this? This is about as subtle as the Monty Python "Wink Wink Nudge Nudge" skit. Now maybe it's because I've read the books already, so most of the hints feel elephant-sized, but I'm thinking that's not all of it. I mean, come on. The opening theme is "I Want to do bad Things With You". I can practically feel them elbowing me from HBO headquarters. "See what we did there? I want to do BAD THINGS with you! I bet you can't guess what? Come on, guess!" And on the same brainwave, can anybody tell me why the addition of the Tara character is necessary? She doesn't really do much by way of telling us more about Sookie, so the only reason I can figure out is that she's there to say out loud what the audience should already be thinking. You know, for the remedial folks. Because other than that, all she's done is hit on Jason and Sam. She has had some pretty awesome one-liners though.

OH! And Sam is hot. Wait, Sam was supposed to be hot? I mean, I know he's supposed to be vying for Sookie's attention and all, but I always assumed he was less attractive than Bill somehow. But then HBO went and put a long-haired scruffy face to him, and hellooooo there "my type", you seem to have unexpectedly shifted from boys in kilts to long-haired scruffy boys. Huh. Who knew? Besides everyone who has ever met capt_Amos of course.

So to wrap-up, this show is about as subtle as Jason Stackhouse, I am addicted anyway, and Sam is hot. The end.
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