The Asterix Gala

Feb 08, 2008 09:09

Hi everyone,
This post is a bit belated, but I still have to tell you of the Asterix Gala, for which I practised so much with Cesair (our 'band')!
It was cool! I went there early in the afternoon already, to practise with Cesair, and it felt very good to stand on a real stage and play your pieces, and everything went wondrously well.

When the people started to come, the light went out, however, and the small lights went on...and there seemed to be no way to lighten the podium. So in the end I have not performed on stage at all, but before a stage....Which has its own charm, in a way.
When the others started to drop in, the first surprise of the evening became apparent; the boys of Mil of Spain had a new bandmember, being no one less than BART, our old teacher! He plays bass guitar, and the boys and he had secretly practised together. The second surprise was that my Foilsigidir friend Nike turned up with her new boyfriend, who seems to be very sweet, and in a gorgeous medieval dress! WOW!! Niek, you looked awesome!

During the evening, Mil and we changed sets, and all went well, except the fact that our new first years do not seem to enjoy dancing...or did not dare to do so. The were standing aside and watching us, basically. Only in the end of the evening they started to dance a bit, and after our last set a sponteneous balfolk session started, with a spontaneous balfolk instruction by Coca! That was another surprise, Coca, Lies and Marjan turned up!! They were the ones to start the real party, as they are wont to do. After the Asterix Gala I went with these three, and Sophie, a second-years, to Biton for a bit of an afterparty. It was almost 4 AM when I came home...

We had a great Gala. I hope it will be held next year again, although I will not be able to be there. Each year deserves such a party.

In a few hours, I am leaving with some other Celts for Brussels. Tomorrow there will be held a Celtic colloquium, and we will be there! Next entry will be about Brussels, I promise.


friends, celts

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