For the couple of you who aren't on myspace (or are and I don't know it yet) a small update. Things are still going well for me. Brent and I are still together (hit the one year mark end of October), and things with the boy are better than ever. We've moved to Temecula (a Southern California suburb) which is about an hour from Downtown San Diego (where I used to live). So with our two cats and the boy we've got ourselves a nice little family. I'm not thrilled with my job at the moment (I hate hounding people for money), but it pays the bills. Still not sure what I want to do with myself as far as a "career", however, Brent and I are discussing the possibility of going to school together in the fall, so maybe that will help point me in the right direction.
Mostly for Ryan, but for anyone else who read Queen of Wands: Aeire has a new comic out about Angela from QOW. It’s called
Punch an’ Pie, and the first strip was put online today. Go check it out. And if you haven’t read
Queen of Wands, go read that too.
Devin and me at a Model Train Expo a couple months ago.
Brent and me in San Francisco almost a year ago... I'm a little drunk here, which is why I look goofy. But Brent looks cute.
Also from San Fran. I think I'm going to puke now from the cuteness.
The most recent pic I have of Devin. This is from a week or two ago, with the Semi Truck pancake I made for him.
Devin in his room which has been taken over by trains. This is around Christmas.