Sep 06, 2004 22:10
pardon the sniffling and coughing... i've been trying to get over either 1)allergies (which i've never had before but i do live in a new state) or 2)a mild head cold that makes my nose stuffy and runny at the same time (i don't know how the hell that's possible but trust me it is), a mild cough that started today, day three of my symptoms, and a stuffy head/headache. i feel yucky. but not as yucky as yesterday since i had to work yesterday and today was a holiday so i got to stay home and rest/be a lazy ass all day. so feeling better than before is good but still feeling kinda yucky sucks. it's been super hot here the last few days (like humid hot) which is unusual and not pleasant. stacy's mom was supposed to come to visit us for thanksgiving, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen now (long complicated story). i'd like to be able to go visit stacy's family for that holiday but we def can't afford it right now. and i'd really really like to go back to md for christmas/new years but i don't think that's going to happen either. *sigh, sniffle* ok i'm going to go try to sleep after snoozing all day today. g'nite all.