Cascades of blue and green correlate quite comely.

May 16, 2010 12:18

 Alliteration is the shit.

My LiveJournal has succumbed to a mere annotation of my quest toward stability. I'm not sure whether or not that stability is something I should be looking forward to. I can already feel the annoying pecks of boredom creeping up on me and I'm only a week into summer.

The usual morning consists of waking up, making coffee to open the eyes, reading the news, and then eating some cereal. This all takes about an hour.

My mid-morning tends to lean toward a shower and possibly trekking to the gym.

Begin: Rant on Gym. I feel like the gym is a place where you should go to get into shape. And I feel that. Yet, it always becomes a jumble of dimwits arguing over the details of proper weight training etiquette. And I don't feel that. I might just be doomed to an everlasting shell of skinniness. /rant.

I always get bothered by the proper placement of 'just' in a sentence. Sal, let me know. That's your job.

After that I usually read various learning theorist books/articles and take notes for a bout 2 hours. Then lunch arrives. FOOD!

I'm kinda over this catalogue of my day.

Working at a banquet facility and having the opportunity to attend numerous weddings has made me realize one thing: they're ridiculous. The pomp and circumstance that goes into a big drunk fest where, for the most part, everything is attributed to "god and his will," is a joke to me. But the people watching is golden. But seriously though, yesterday during the ceremony, the officiant said "When god created you (the groom) he had a plan for you to find this woman. He created you for one another and that alone is proof of god's greatness and his will." Are you serious? Semen, an egg, and a decent amount of fucking created the both of them. And random chance helped them get together. In fact, they probably would be just fine if they didn't know of the other's existence. Relationships provide comfort and normalcy. They give you a sense of belonging where normally one would feel alone. Anyone could fill that whole, it's just a matter of opening up to them and the willingness to compromise. This whole "meant to be together" idea is complete bull, which only makes the thought that god has planned every coupling in the world even more absurd. If there were a god, which there is not, he would have nothing to do with the minutia of humanity. He would have given up a long time ago on this parasitic and selfish species. I sound like Agent Smith from the Matrix. Marriage seems like another way to lock in that comfort. If two people care for each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, fucking do it. Don't spend 15 grand to have your friends hang out and get trashed, just to have a legal document saying you guys are bound by law. I mean, how seriously can we take ourselves? In the end, we're just a bunch of carbon spliced together in such a way that it formed into these bulbous piles of meat that somehow attained the ability to think. And we think a piece of paper "legally binding" these bodies together is worthwhile? What a joke. Take pride in an amazing relationship, love one another every day, communicate constantly, laugh, and have lots of awesome sex and your life will be great. Why waste the time to have "proof" of your love? It just seems like a big insecure way of forcing permanence upon a situation that should be self-sufficient.

If you didn't read all of that, my point was that marriage is lame. Don't do it.

Over and out.

p.s. By December of this year, I will be a teacher, certified by another piece of paper that says I'm good enough. Fucking bureaucracy. haha.
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